Serving the Global Community

We view local, national and global interests as avenues for learning about our communities, our neighbors and ourselves. Projects at LiveArts Studio challenge learners to explore new and different environments as ways of understanding local and global issues, and to be able to enter into dialogue with others with an informed voice and an open mind. In our efforts to better connect local and global cultures, LiveArts Studio aims to bridge divides between communities and continents by building relationships through research, inquiry and visual culture.

We avidly seek to partner and share in opportunities across borders, continents and countries to grow our understanding about our neighbors near and far. We use our creative voice as the language to help understand the interconnectedness and cultural communication that joins us all in some way.


Donate. Volunteer. Create something. 

Contact us: 4760 Broadway, Gary, IN, 46408 | Phone: 219-221-8211 | email: